Saturday, September 1, 2007


Everyone says there is no language barrier for laughter but what one doesn't know is that there are different ways in which one can laugh. I will list a few styles,please add comments on the styles I am missing here.

1.LOUD He He:The most common form of laugh it is also the most innocent form.

2.Devil Laugh:This one scares the hell out of people.You can hear it from miles and feel shiver

3.Mischief Laugh:It is a normal He He kind of laugh but the tone and the eyes of the person tell the intentions of that person

4.Tyre Puncture Laugh:You can identify this one because when you hear it it gives u a feeling that there must be a vehicle nearby whose just had a flat

5.Hyna Laugh:This is not a true laugh.It is there to insult someone

6.False laugh:This one does not reach the person's eyes.He laughs to please someone or out of frustration at his own self

Thats it.These are the only ones of which I could guess If there are any more please leave me a comment.

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