Saturday, April 12, 2008


Feels so nice to be back in this world :)

but this is going to be my last post till 16th may 2008,coz till then i will b having xams

forgetting all the crap ,I will enjoy today as i have finally done over with my 2nd internals of 6th sem

Now I am nearly 1 year away from being a qualified engineer.It sounds a bit too serious to me:)
The University has done us a BIG favor by preponing our exams to 5th may and believe me the students are not too enthusiastic about them

Reason being that since exams start on 5th of may we have to be done with our external practical exams by 25th April this means next to next week.Hence next week we will have our internal practicals,phew, boy is that something.

Being nearly engineers we know that work is supposed to start near the end of the deadline ,but,if the deadline is preponed everyone gets into BIG trouble regarding the practical files which are supposed to be completed near the internal practical time.

we have following practicals and this is my knowledge regarding them

MPS:My Periodic Suffering

DSP:Degree Stopping Paper(Its a common short form )

DWDM:Disgraced Without Damn Marks

OOSE: hmm tough to decide full form.........comment me about some fullforms

MMT:My Marked Torture

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